Modern Day Slavery Policy
Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 Policy Statement
HB Insulations (Notts) Limited recognises that slavery and human trafficking remains a hidden blight on our global society. The aim of HB Insulations (Notts) Limited is to identify our responsibility by alerting staff to the risks, however small, in our business and in the wider supply chain. Staff are expected and encouraged to report concerns to management, where they are expected to act upon them.
As an SME, HB Insulations (Notts) Limited take seriously their obligations to comply with and understand the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 and are able to provide information, in the form of company policies and processes carried out on its supply chain to show our commitment against modern slavery and human trafficking.
Through our membership with SafeContractor we have completed the SafePQQ question set which covers the topic of Modern Slavery and received a certificate of verification.